
2022 Australian Track and Field Championships - Entry Portal U14/U15/U16/U17/U18/U20
Sat 26 Mar 2022 12:00 — Sun 03 Apr 2022 15:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

This is the Entry Portal for the Tasmanian Team to compete at the 2022 Australian Track and Field Championships in Sydney from Saturday 26 March 2022.

Draft Event Competition Schedule

AT Team Merchandise Portal (will open in a new tab)


  1. Athletes wishing to be selected for the team MUST be currently registered members of Athletics Tasmania. Athletes must have competed at least once during the 2021 - 2022 track and field season in an Athletics Tasmania or Athletics Australia sanctioned competition.
  2. Athletes must be age eligible as at 31 December 2022. Athletes may not compete in the same or similar event in more than two age groups.

    3.1    Athletes may enter in multiple event age groups if an athlete has bettered the relevant entry standard. This regulation is subject to the following criteria as set out under the following regulations:

    3.2    Provided an athlete has bettered the relevant entry standard for a higher age group than their own, the athlete may be entered in an individual event for such age group, subject to the following:

    •    Athletes may only enter events in a maximum of two age groups and with the exception of under 14 athletes who may enter the same events in both the under 14 and under 15 age group, there must be at least two years between the age groups entered in the same event.
    •    No athlete may enter the same or similar events** within the U15 and U16 age groups.
    •    No athlete may enter the same or similar events** within the U17 and U18 age groups.
    •    Para-athletes may compete the same or similar events** in one under under-age group only but may also enter the same or other events in Open. Entries for para-athletes in under-age events will be accepted in a universal age group. Where there are at least three athletes confirmed for an age group in any event a separate championship event will be conducted. Where this means an athlete would be competing out of their age group, throwing implement weights will be base on their age.

    ** Same or Similar event means 80/90/100/110m hurdles; 200/400m hurdles; 3000/5000metres and
    1500/3000/5000m walk and each of the throwing events (regardless of change in weight of implements).


  4. The minimum age to compete in Steeplecase events is 14 years of age

Athletes qualify via the following mechanisms:

1.Reaching the Athletics Australia Qualification Standard

2. Finishing 1st, 2nd or 3rd at Tasmanian All Schools or Tasmanian Championships.

Athletes who have not achieved the Athletics Australia Entry Standard MUST have competed in the events in which they wish to be selected in at the Tasmanian Age or Open Championships (in their correct age group as at 31st December 2022). It is Athletics Tasmania’s expectation that all athletes who wish to compete at the Australian Championships compete at the Tasmanian Championships.


All para-athlete entries, must have a current:
1. National Level Classification or higher to qualify for entry into an Athletics Australia event.
2. If the Athlete’s National Classification (or higher) is past its review date, entry will be at the discretion of Athletics Australia.


The levy for Junior athletes will be  $130 per athlete –  The levy includes team management services for the Championships as per previous years.
The levy for Open athletes is set at $30 per athlete.
Individual event entry fees for the Championships are $35 per event,

At the Championships, all Junior athletes (up to and including U/20) must compete in Athletics Tasmania competition uniform.
State Team Junior relay members will be selected from athletes who have qualified for the championships. If an athlete does not qualify but would like to be considered for State relays, please email the Chairman of Selectors via
A list of athletes who have achieved the National Qualifying Standards for applicable age groups will be placed on the Athletics Tasmania website after the Tasmanian Age Championships in Hobart. Should there be any errors or omissions, the athlete (or his/her representative) should contact our statisticians Brandon Clark or Kev Morse with the relevant information. This is particularly important for athletes competing in the under 14 age group.

All contact in relation to State Team arrangements must be directed only to the State Team
Manager, Yvette Edward, via email: