
Athletics Tasmania Level 1 Community Coaching Course
Sun 19 Feb 2023 09:00 — 16:00
Athletics Australia - Level 1 Youth Coach

Course information

Registrations for this course are closed.

The prospective in-person workshop will be delivered in February or March and will be held in Hobart from 9:00am till 4:00pm. It is the intention to hold more courses this year in the North and South of the State. 

For more information on the course details and benefits of being an accredited coach, see below: 

For more information on the AA Coach accreditation framework, see below:

The Level 1 Youth Coach accreditation is designed for coaches who want to work with athletes aged 3-12 years old, and want to be involved in the early stages of athlete development (Fundamentals I and Fundamentals II in Athletics Australia’s Training and Competition Guidelines for Children and Adolescents).

The primary objective of a Youth Coach is to utilise a games-based approach to develop fundamental movement skills (such as running, jumping, and throwing) and foster physical literacy in a supportive training environment.  

Youth Coaches specialise in roles within Sporting Schools programs, Primary Schools, and Little Athletics centres.

More information about the course can be found here.