Sport should be a safe and fair place for all participants. At Athletics Tasmania we offer a safe place for people to raise concerns about behaviour they have witnessed or experienced in sport as well as find more information if they have an integrity question.

Athletics Tasmania is a part of the National Integrity Network and has adopted the National Integrity Framework. 

Athletics Tasmania & the National Integrity Framework

More information on the NIF is available via the Sports Integrity Australia website.

Sports Integrity Australia


Report a Concern to the Office of the Independent Regulator

The Office of the Independent Regulator 

1800 754 728

The Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework came into effect in Tasmania on 1 January 2024. Most organisations that provide services to children and young people are covered by the Framework. The Framework is established under the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Act 2023.

The Framework is about keeping children and young people safe and for organisations to keep working on improving their child safe culture.

Tasmania's Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework applies to all Tasmanian organisations, which includes each of our clubs and branches independent of Athletics Tasmania, and sets clear expectations for:

  • how organisations prioritise and promote the safety and wellbeing of children and young people,
  • how they respond to concerns about a worker's behaviour towards children and young people,
  • independent oversight to ensure organisations fulfil their obligations under the Framework, and
  • protocols around sharing information concerning a worker's conduct towards a child or young person.

Athletics Tasmania's Child Safety Statement

Athletics Tasmania & the Child & Youth Safe Organisations Framework


Athletics Tasmania considers the online and digital safety and integrity of the sport as paramount as in-person or physical, and encourages everyone to be respectful, safe, and positive in the way they engage in online activity relating to Athletics, or those in the Athletics community.

e-Safety Information