Tasmanian Records - Able Bodied

Tasmanian Mens Records as at 15 March 2024

Tasmanian Womens Records as at 15 March 2024

Mixed Relay Records -  as at 19 December 2023

Record forms are available below and must be completed and lodged within 14 days of the performance claim.

AA Record Application

AT Able Bodied Track Event Record Application Form - Electronic / Hand Held

AT Able Bodied Field Event Record Application Form

AT Combined Event Record Application Form

Any records set in a Tasmanian State Championship or Australian Championship Event do not require a form, simply forward RECORD APPLICATION to our record officers advising of the record being claimed together with the performance and date/location of meet.

Tasmanian Records  - Para athletes

Tasmanian Records - Para as at 5 June 2024

Athletics Tasmania is pleased to confirm that performances by Tasmanian Para Athletes will now be recognised as Tasmanian Records.

An appointed committee on behalf of Athletics Tasmania has engaged and consulted with other States, the AA Records Officer and the IPC Technical Officer to establish and recognise para records in Tasmania. The process for determining State based Para records varies with both South Australia and Queensland also starting the process of recognising State Para Records.

From the Committees research, the initial State Para records will commence from 2018 recognising the best performances from Tasmanian Para registered athletes in U15, U17 U20 and Open, including Tasmanian Para athletes with an Australian Para Record pre 2018  included.

It is intended that records set are to be 'age on the day'  and that a standard is determined before a Tasmanian record is recognised.

To be eligible for a Tasmanian Record, para athletes must be classified and supporting evidence provided in line with able bodied records as set out in this section.

For more information please email info@tasathletics.org.au Attention Records Officer.

AT Para Track Event Record Application Form - Electronic / Hand Held 

AT Para Field Event Record Application Form